What do you do when it seems like the waves keep crashing over your head sending you under the waves yet again looking to catch your breath? That’s the way I have felt for the last few months. It has not gotten any easier it just has been survivable. Trying to lift my head up above the waves to focus on one thing that will help me to get to the other side but it has been almost impossible.
Let me take a step back and explain how I’m feeling and what happened. There is always a cost with moving and getting yourself together. There is also a cost with pushing in the direction of your dreams.
For me it was issues on my job, issues with my apartment, health, my business and issues with finances. And it was not just one thing in each area it was multiple things.
I am drawn to the story of Job in the bible. I’m not comparing myself to Job but I am relating the circumstances of one thing after the other happening. It seems like it comes to a point where I didn’t know what would happen next or how discouraged I would feel after the news.
The reason I felt like the story of Job was resonating with me is due to the rate at which things were happening, feeling like I was not sure how much more I could take and wondering why so much was happening.
In the story of Job Satan asked God to take the hedge from around Job and if he did Job would curse Him and die. Job lost his children, his servants, his herd and worst of it, his wife told him to curse God and die. Even his health deteriorated, all within a short period of time. He never cursed God.
What is interesting is within Job’s despair, he asks God, “Why is life given to those with no future?’ Job 3:23 NLT. I assume he was talking about himself. But to be that defeated is a place I can understand and also not want to be in.
Job had two friends that were questioning his faith and whether Job’s God was the true and living God. God said nothing to Job from chapter 2 to chapter 42. He allowed Job and his friends to talk about the situation, what Job had done or did not done, and what he needed to do to change things. There seemed to be one point where Job began believing what his friends were saying about God more than what God said. That is when God begin to speak to Job again. In Chapter 38 – 42 God asked Job approx. 120 questions of who He is and His character. The way The Lord approached Job about these questions was more of, “let me ask questions to see if you know me”. He says, “Brace yourself like a man: I will question you, and you shall answer me.” Job 38:3. Job is going through all of this while his friends think they know God better than he does but God still has Job to be accountable because he does know God. It is another wave Job must deal with. After all these things, God made Job pray for his friends and he is given double for what he went through you never hear another word about Job’s friends.
My point to all of this is that no matter what we are going through, we will always be accountable for our actions You are still accountable for looking for hope and something positive even in the midst of your struggles and you are still accountable for seeking God to help you through it all. My second point is that God is watching even if he is not speaking.
It may not be an easy task when God seems so far away but that is when we need to look for Him the most. Sometimes we have all these responsibilities that block us from seeing God and we start thinking He has moved away while in reality He has not moved, we are the ones that have added more things in front of us to block our view of Him. As we move each thing out and put them in their proper place, we will see God has never moved and is waiting for us to come to Him, cry so he will catch our tears and build us back up.
I will seek God more than ever to get to that place I desire to be. It may not always be easy, but it will be worth it.
Remain blessed,